“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or do you want to come with me and change the world?”

“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or do you want to come with me and change the world?”


I went to church this morning. The service was wonderful, consisting of music played in collaboration with people from the Congo and Dominican Republic. We sang songs in both English and Swahili. Everyone in the church was vibrant w/ joy and loving energy.


The message today was also very powerful. The pastor read from Luke Chapter 5. In this chapter Jesus comes to a group of fisherman who have been putting in long hours of fishing with no return. He asks them to try one more cast of the net and they catch an incredibly large amount of fish. He then tells the men that they will no longer be catching fish but that “from now on you will be catching men” with the word of God.


The 2 primary messages derived from the story are :

  • Potential is vast.
  • “Pursue what is meaningful and not what is expedient” - Title of chapter 7 from 12 Rules of Life by Jordan Peterson.


Potential is vast: 


This point revolves around the idea of taking action. With persistence, belief, and action, the potential you posses in your hands is limitless. The biblical view of this message is that, with Jesus, your potential is limitless. Now, whether you are a traditional follower of Christ or not, there is a lot of value to be pulled from this idea.


Christ is an “ideal figure." He is a virtuous man with unwavering belief in the higher purpose that comes with being (also seen as believing in God). Living with virtue helps you establish habits, set control in your life, live with grace, and find meaning. Belief in God, or a higher purpose that comes with life, also leads to a new foundation of action and value. A foundation of more meaningful action, righteous values, and overall higher levels of mental fortitude. Both virtue and God help lead individuals towards purpose, meaning, and “success”. 


Pursue what is meaningful :


The pastor then went on to tell the church a story about Steve Jobs. When Jobs was creating Apple, he got to a point where he knew he needed help taking the company to the next level on the marketing side. At the time, Pepsi was growing at a substantial rate and the reason was CEO John Sculley. 


Jobs persistently met with Sculley trying to win him over. Sculley wouldn’t budge. Every week for about five months Jobs met with Sculley but Sculley was still not convinced that leaving Pepsi to work with Apple was the right move.. On the final visit between the the two, Sculley was rejecting Jobs once again and asked him to leave. Jobs stood as if to leave, looked Sculley in the eyes and said, “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or do you want to come with me and change the world”.


Sculley soon left Pepsi to join Apple, leading to the growth and expansion of the most dominant computer/ tech company in the world.


Once again, another call to action.


What are you spending your time on? What are you working towards? and WHY?


Do not waste your time working towards things of little to no real value. Stop making “sugar water” and “come change the world." The bible says, “man does not live by bread alone." What this means is simple. Do not waste this life pursuing frivolous things and worldly possessions. Though material success may come with achievement, do not let it be the drive for your life purpose.


The messages from the Bible are very powerful and have been shared for thousands of years. I am not a traditional Christian, but I am not blind to the value held in the text and stories in the Bible.


If you’re looking for meaning, love, purpose, and to feel alive, pursue what is meaningful, live in order with a higher purpose of existence, and live virtuously. Living in this manner creates a life of “vast potential."


“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman

Written by Jacob Showers



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